Coconut oil is truly the healthiest oil you can consume. It is rich in lauric acid, which is known for being antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal, and contains no trans fat (even olive oil has some trans fat). You can even use it on your skin to help prevent wrinkles.
Unfortunately, there is a widespread misconception that coconut oil is bad for you because it contains saturated fat. To really understand the benefits of coconut oil, I suggest you read Dr. Mary Enig and Sally Fallon‘s article "The Truth About Saturated Fat" to first dispel any lingering notions you may have that all saturated fats are dangerous.
Fats are categorized as either short-, medium-, or long-chain depending on how many carbon molecules they contain. Close to two-thirds of the saturated fat in coconut oil is made up of medium-chain fatty acids, which have antimicrobial properties, are easily digested by the body for quick energy, and are beneficial to the immune system. Far from being dangerous, the saturated fat in coconut oil is actually health promoting.
So how could an oil that is so good for you have gotten such a bad reputation? The answer comes down to simple economics and politics. Based on some flawed studies performed over four decades ago, some of which used primarily hydrogenated coconut oils, a powerful anti-saturated fat movement began. Remember--hydrogenated oils are oils with trans-fatty acids, which have been altered from their original chemical composition and have been shown to raise cholesterol levels and lead to heart disease and other health problems. You should not consume hydrogenated oils, whether it is coconut or another vegetable oil.
Around this time the edible oil industry began to denounce all saturated fats and heavily promote polyunsaturated fats such as canola, soybean, safflower, corn, and other seed and nut oils. However, these oils easily become rancid when exposed to oxygen and produce large amounts of damaging free radicals in the body. What is not commonly known is that these oils can actually cause aging, clotting, inflammation, cancer and weight gain. You can read the article "Secrets of the Edible Oil Industry" for more information.
Fortunately, coconut oil has begun to gain some positive media exposure as researchers realize its health-promoting qualities. However, coconut oil can vary widely in terms of the types of coconuts used, the manufacturing processes used to make the oil, and more, and all of these factors play a major role in the effectiveness of the oil.
Most commercial coconut oils are RBD (refined, bleached, and deodorized). RBD oils do contain the medium chain fatty acids, however they also contain chemicals used in processing.
A study published in the medical journal Tropical and Geographical Medicine found that coronary heart disease, the world's number one cause of death, is virtually unknown in a coconut eating population of Sri Lanka.
The Sinhalase race is the majority of the Sri Lanka population. Meanwhile the Veddas or "Forest people" have the lifestyle, social characteristic, language, and religious beliefs which are quite differenct from those of the Sinhalese.
At the beginning of the 20th century there were still many Vedda communities in the South Eastern jungles of Sri Lanka, exixting as they have for thousands of years, and eating fruit, yams and coconut, and hunting for game using bows and arrows. Over time, the Vedda communities gradually adapted the modern culture of the expanding Sinhalese population. By the 1980s there were only two traditional Veda communities remaining, isolated from the general population deep in the jungle.
As part of a massive development project, the jungle homeland of the Veddas was declared a Natural Reserve and the Veddas were resettled in other areas. Unable to hunt or gather foods as they had in their jungle home, they adapted an agrarian lifestyle. This study was carried out in the mid 1980's, before the resettlement scheme commenced.
The coconut palm provides them with materials for making tools, eating utensils, and rope, to build fires, and most importantly provides a steady source of food. Veddas live off the land and eat whatever they can gather and kill. Most fruit bearing plants produce seasonally. The coconut palm, however, produces coconuts year round, providing them with an unending supply of food.
The majority of dietary fat in the traditional vedda population comes from coconut and wild game, both high in saturated fat. Researchers at the University of Sri lanka department of medicine were interested in how their high-fat diet affected their health, particularly their cardiovascular health. Before the Veddas were integrated into Sinhalese culture and adopted to agriculture and modern foods, the researchers wanted to study their health. What effect did their traditional high-saturated fat diet have on their health? That was the question they wanted to answer.
The study examined 207 adults 20-83 years of age. A detailed medical history was taken of each subject, which included level of daily physical activity, dietary and smoking habits, and any adverse symptoms, with special emphasis on the presence of cardiac chest pain. A complete physical examination and blood analysis was performed with special attention to the cardiovascular system.
None of the subjects reported any heart related symptoms such as angina (chest pain) or myocardial infarction (heart atack). Using an electrocardiogram, there were no features of hearts disease found in the any of the subjects. Despite the fact that 39 percent of the men smoked, only 3.8 percent demonstrated elevated blood pressure, which is much lower than in the Sinhalese population.
Blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels were average and comparable those of the Sinhalese, although the Veddas' HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol which protects against heart disease) was higher. Coconut consumption is known to raise HDL cholesterol, so this may have HDL levels. In summary, there was absolutely no evidence of heart among this population. This is not surprising, similar studies of coconut eating populations in other partsof the world have produced the same results. 2-3
Coconut is not only important for the Veddas, but for all Sri Lankans. The Sinhalese also enjoy coconut, which is used in many of their traditonal dishes. Infact, coconut oil provides the primary source of oil in their diet, or so it did until recent years.
In 1978 each man, woman, and child in Sri lanka consumed the equivalent of 120 coconuts a year. That is a lot of coconut and a lot of coconut oil. That would equate to dringking nearly 30 quarts of coconut oil per year.
If coconut oil caused heart disease or even just encouraged it, heart disease would be clearly evident in this population. Keep in mind that this was an average rate of consumption for all people, even babies young children who ate very little oil or none at all. Which means that the adult population was consuming far more than 30 quarts of coconut oil annually, 40 quarts is more like it. However, during that year Sri lanka had one of the lowest rates of heart disease in the world.
Only one death out of every 100,000 was cause by coronary heart disease. In the united States coconut oil constituted less than 1 percent of the fat consumed and people were increasingly turning to polyunsaturated soybean oil and margarine as their preferred choices of fat, the heat attack death rate was 280 times higher! Despite the fact that Sri lankans were consuming about 40 quarts of coconut oil each year, heart disease was rare.
Over the past several decades coconut and coconut oil consumption in Sri lanka has drastically declined. In 1953 average consumption was 136 coconuts a year. In 1978 it dropped to 120. By 1991 it was down to 90 and has continued to fall.
The theory that saturated promoted heart disease was intoduced in the late 1950s and gradually gained acceptance. People became fearful of coconut oil and other saturated fats and began to replace it with polyunsaturated oils. Even in coconut growing areas of the world. Like Sri lanka, people began eating soybean oil and margarine in place of coconut oil.
During this time, an interesting thing happened. As coconut oil consumption declined. The incidence of heart disease increased! As people began to eat less coconut oil and eat more soybean oil, the heartattack death rate climbed. Yet, among those populations within the country where coconut oil was still the primary source of fat in the diet, heart disease remained a rarity.
Today Sri Lanka no longer has the lowest heart disease death rate. While certain groups of people in the country who use coconut oil liberally are not as affected, the general population has experienced an epidemic of heart problems thanks to the introduction of imported polyunsaturated vegetable oils. Heart attack is now, like in most other countries, the number one cause of death, accounting for 11 percent of all deaths in the country. This is still lower than in the US and most other western countries, but far higher than it was just a few decades ago when coconut oil was a mainstay in diet.
The Many Uses of the Mighty Moringa Tree
August 24, 2015 | 344,254 views
By Dr. Mercola
Moringa oleifera is a fast-growing tree native to South Asia and now found throughout the tropics. Its leaves have been used as part of traditional medicine for centuries, and the Ayurvedic system of medicine associates it with the cure or prevention of about 300 diseases.1
Moringa, sometimes described as the “miracle tree,” “drumstick tree,” or “horseradish tree,” has small, rounded leaves that are packed with an incredible amount of nutrition: protein, calcium, beta carotene, vitamin C, potassium… you name it, moringa’s got it. No wonder it’s been used medicinally (and as a food source) for at least 4,000 years.2
The fact that moringa grows rapidly and easily makes it especially appealing for impoverished areas, and it’s been used successfully for boosting nutritional intake in Malawi, Senegal, and India. In these areas, moringa may be the most nutritious food locally available, and it can be harvested year-round.3
Personally, I grew a moringa tree for two years and I can attest to the fact that it grows like a weed. For those living in third-world countries, it may very well prove to be a valuable source of nutrition.
However I don’t recommend planting one in your backyard for health purposes as the leaves are very small and it is a timely and exceedingly tedious task to harvest the leaves from the stem to eat them.The leaves are tiny and difficult to harvest and use, so you’ll likely find, as I did, that growing one is more trouble than it’s worth. That being said, there is no denying that moringa offers an impressive nutritional profile that makes it appealing once it is harvested…
6 Reasons Why Moringa Is Being Hailed as a Superfood
1. A Rich Nutritional Profile
Moringa leaves are loaded with vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, and more. One hundred grams of dry moringa leaf contains:4
- 9 times the protein of yogurt
- 10 times the vitamin A of carrots
- 15 times the potassium of bananas
- 17 times the calcium of milk
- 12 times the vitamin C of oranges
- 25 times the iron of spinach
2. Antioxidants Galore
Moringa leaves are rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C, beta-carotene, quercetin, and chlorogenic acid. The latter, chlorogenic acid, has been shown to slow cells' absorption of sugar and animal studies have found it to lower blood sugar levels. As noted in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention:5
“The leaves of the Moringa oleifera tree have been reported to demonstrate antioxidant activity due to its high amount of polyphenols.
Moringa oleifera extracts of both mature and tender leaves exhibit strong antioxidant activity against free radicals, prevent oxidative damage to major biomolecules, and give significant protection against oxidative damage.”
Further, in a study of women taking 1.5 teaspoons of moringa leaf powder daily for three months, blood levels of antioxidants increased significantly.6
3. Lower Blood Sugar Levels
Moringa appears to have anti-diabetic effects,7 likely due to beneficial plant compounds contained in the leaves, including isothiocyanates. One study found women who took seven grams of moringa leaf powder daily for three months reduced their fasting blood sugar levels by 13.5 percent.8
Separate research revealed that adding 50 grams of moringa leaves to a meal reduced the rise in blood sugar by 21 percent among diabetic patients.9
4. Reduce Inflammation
The isothiocyanates, flavonoids, and phenolic acids in moringa leaves, pods, and seeds also have anti-inflammatory properties. According to the Epoch Times:10
“The tree’s strong anti-inflammatory action is traditionally used to treat stomach ulcers. Moringa oil (sometimes called Ben oil) has been shown to protect the liver from chronic inflammation. The oil is unique in that, unlike most vegetable oils, moringa resists rancidity.
This quality makes it a good preservative for foods that can spoil quickly. This sweet oil is used for both frying or in a salad dressing. It is also used topically to treat antifungal problems, arthritis, and is an excellent skin moisturizer.”
5. Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels
Moringa also has cholesterol-lowering properties, and one animal study found its effects were comparable to those of the cholesterol-lowering drug simvastatin.11 As noted in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology:12
“Moringa oleifera is used in Thai traditional medicine as cardiotonic. Recent studies demonstrated its hypocholesterolemic effect.
… In hypercholesterol-fed rabbits, at 12 weeks of treatment, it significantly (P<0.05) lowered the cholesterol levels and reduced the atherosclerotic plaque formation to about 50 and 86%, respectively. These effects were at degrees comparable to those of simvastatin.
… The results indicate that this plant possesses antioxidant, hypolipidaemic, and antiatherosclerotic activities, and has therapeutic potential for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.”
6. Protect Against Arsenic Toxicity
The leaves and seeds of moringa may protect against some of the effects of arsenic toxicity, which is especially important in light of news that common staple foods, such as rice, may be contaminated.13Contamination of ground water by arsenic has also become a cause of global public health concern, and one study revealed: 14
“Co-administration of M. oleifera [moringa] seed powder (250 and 500 mg/kg, orally) with arsenic significantly increased the activities of SOD [superoxide dismutase], catalase, and GPx with elevation in reduced GSH level in tissues (liver, kidney, and brain).
These changes were accompanied by approximately 57%, 64%, and 17% decrease in blood ROS [reactive oxygen species], liver metallothionein (MT), and lipid peroxidation respectively in animal co-administered with M. oleifera and arsenic.
Another interesting observation has been the reduced uptake of arsenic in soft tissues (55% in blood, 65% in liver, 54% in kidneys, and 34% in brain) following administration of M. oleifera seed powder (particularly at the dose of 500 mg/kg).
It can thus be concluded from the present study that concomitant administration of M. oleifera seed powder with arsenic could significantly protect animals from oxidative stress and in reducing tissue arsenic concentration. Administration of M. oleifera seed powder thus could also be beneficial during chelation therapy…”
Moringa Leaves May Even Purify Water… and More
From a digestive standpoint, moringa is high in fiber that, as the Epoch Times put it, “works like a mop in your intestines… to clean up any of that extra grunge left over from a greasy diet.”15 Also noteworthy are its isothiocyanates, which have anti-bacterial properties that may help to rid your body of H. pylori, a bacteria implicated in gastritis, ulcers, and gastric cancer. Moringa seeds have even been found to work better for water purification than many of the conventional synthetic materials in use today.
According to Uppsala University:16“A protein in the seeds binds to impurities causing them to aggregate so that the clusters can be separated from the water. The study… published in the journal Colloids and Surfaces A takes a step towards optimization of the water purification process.17
Researchers in Uppsala together with colleagues from Lund as well as Namibia, Botswana, France, and the USA have studied the microscopic structure of aggregates formed with the protein.
The results show that the clusters of material (flocs) that are produced with the protein are much more tightly packed than those formed with conventional flocculating agents. This is better for water purification as such flocs are more easily separated.”
There is speculation that moringa’s ability to attach itself to harmful materials may also happen in the body, making moringa a potential detoxification tool.
How to Use Moringa
If you have access to a moringa tree, you can use the fresh leaves in your meals; they have a flavor similar to a radish. Toss them like a salad, blend them into smoothies, or steam them like spinach. Another option is to use moringa powder, either in supplement form or added to smoothies, soups, and other foods for extra nutrition. Moringa powder has a distinctive “green” flavor, so you may want to start out slowly when adding it to your meals.
You can also use organic, cold-pressed moringa oil (or ben oil), although it’s expensive (about 15 times more than olive oil).18As mentioned, while I don’t necessarily recommend planting a moringa tree in your backyard (a rapid-growing tree can grow to 15 to 30 feet in just a few years), you may want to give the leaves or powder a try if you come across some at your local health food market. As reported by Fox News, this is one plant food that displays not just one or two but numerous potential healing powers:19
“Virtually all parts of the plant are used to treat inflammation, infectious disorders, and various problems of the cardiovascular and digestive organs, while improving liver function and enhancing milk flow in nursing mothers. The uses of moringa are well documented in both the Ayurvedic and Unani systems of traditional medicine, among the most ancient healing systems in the world.
Moringa is rich in a variety of health-enhancing compounds, including moringine, moringinine, the potent antioxidants quercetin, kaempferol, rhamnetin, and various polyphenols. The leaves seem to be getting the most market attention, notably for their use in reducing high blood pressure, eliminating water weight, and lowering cholesterol.
Studies show that moringa leaves possess anti-tumor and anti-cancer activities, due in part to a compound called niaziminin. Preliminary experimentation also shows activity against the Epstein-Barr virus. Compounds in the leaf appear to help regulate thyroid function, especially in cases of over-active thyroid. Further research points to anti-viral activity in cases of Herpes simplex 1.

By Dr. Mercola
Cancer is a disease that most people either have personal experience with, or know someone who does.
In this interview, Annie Brandt — herself a 16-year cancer survivor and author of "The Healing Platform: Build Your Own Cure!"— shares some of the support detailed in her book, which can give anyone challenged with cancer access to valuable resources.
We first met last year at Dr. Lee Cowden's ACIM Conquering Cancer conference in Orlando. Brandt is also the coordinator of the Answers for Cancer Summit, an international cancer conference that will include many great speakers.
From my perspective, a foundational strategy for anyone concerned about cancer is to address your diet. That's my passion, and it got reignited once I understood that cancer is not a genetic, but a metabolic disease, primarily rooted in mitochondrial dysfunction.
In fact, this is the topic of my latest book, "Fat for Fuel," which will be published in May. More information on this will be coming soon.
I think that's the first step. However, for most people, diet alone will not solve the cancer riddle. It will likely prevent it, but may not solve it if you already have cancer. That's where Brandt's resources and The Healing Platform come in. They really are a great collaborative addition to a healthy diet, which I outline in "Fat for Fuel."
Best Answer for Cancer Foundation
Brandt is more than a little familiar with cancer. She was diagnosed with end-stage metastatic cancer in 2001, and was given three months to live. She decided that if that's all she had left, she would die as healthy as possible, "and as close to how God made me as I could," she says.
She refused surgery, high-dose chemo and radiation. Instead, she tried to make her body as strong and healthy as possible, focusing first on detoxification.
"The way the [Best Answer for Cancer] foundation started was I kind of made a promise to myself that if, in fact, I lived doing all these natural healthy things, I would find a way to help people realize there were all of these options. That's why I started the foundation," Brandt says.
"[The foundation is also] trying to protect the rights of patients and doctors to use natural substances."
Best Answer for Cancer Foundation was inaugurated in 2004, and became a 501(c)(3) organization in 2006. It's a hybrid non-profit that services two different groups of people: an integrative physicians group, and a group for patients with cancer and other chronic disease.
They also hold two conferences per year, one for each group, featuring international experts. The conferences are open to anyone interested in learning more about alternatives to the conventional paradigm of cancer care.
The Answers for Cancer Summit (for patients/lay audiences) not only features great speakers and topics, but also offers hands-on learning events and exhibit booths with valid tools and therapies. This year, a ketogenic lunch is planned as an educational experience.
The Integrative Oncology Conference (for physicians) is a Continuing Medical Education (CME) Conference and includes pre- and post-conference training modules. It is a leader in medical education conferences.
Amazingly, oncology is the only specialty in medicine that is allowed and, may I say, encouraged to sell drugs at massive profits — typically in excess of 50 percent — and cancer drugs are, as a general category, the most expensive medications in all of medicine to begin with.
Oncologists actually get a commission for the chemotherapy drugs they sell, and with that type of incentive, it's nearly impossible to imagine them actively seeking other alternatives.
As a result, patients are typically forced to go it alone if they don't want to go the conventional route.
Oncologists are further constrained by the "standard of care" prescribed by oncology medical boards and the drug industry. If they go against the established standard of care, they're susceptible to having their license reprimanded or even taken away.
Support Systems to Maximize Chances of Recovery
One of Brandt's core principles is that treating the tumor is not enough. She also has a wide variety of options to support your body's immune function and other systems, to maximize your chances of recovery.
"I came to the conclusion that the tumor was just a messenger," Brandt says. "When you look at the tumor itself and think it's a substance that forms around diseased cells, where do the diseased cells come from?
When you look at all the science behind cancer, they bring in mind, body, spirit, lifestyle, the immune system, diet and detoxification.
They're very subtle. But over the years, I found these different modalities that actually address disease. When you think about the tumor, imagine it like the check engine light in your car, that's how I think of it. When it comes on, you don't take a hammer and beat the dash until the check engine light goes out.
You take your car to the garage and find out what's wrong. We don't do that. We want to get rid of the tumor as soon as possible. We want to beat the dash until the light goes out. Then we don't look at what fed it, what created it.
That's why I think there are a lot of reasons why cancer keeps recurring in certain people; they haven't addressed the issues that are feeding it. When you look at what could be feeding it, you have to consider your whole life.
You have to consider the people around you, your job, stress, your environment, what you eat and, believe it or not, how you think. Are you getting enough rest, exercise and sunshine?"
The Importance of Detoxification
One of the strategies Brandt recommends in her book is a detox. I'm a big fan of full-spectrum low-EMF infrared sauna therapy, which is also a wonderful way to eliminate a great number of toxins from your body via sweating.
There are three types of saunas: traditional Finnish-style, far-infrared and near-infrared. Lawrence Wilson's book, "Sauna Therapy," discusses the importance of near-infrared heat lamp saunas, and actually details how to build one.
That may be the best types of sauna therapy because near-infrared is one of the most important biological frequencies we need for biological health. To learn more about this, see my most recent article on sauna therapy. However, it's not just about cleansing your physical body. It's equally important to address all the other toxins in your life, be it toxic thoughts, people or environments.
"If cancer patients don't think they're worth it, that is a toxic thought. You have to detox the mind. You have to detox the spirit, the emotions. Most cancer patients feel trapped. You have to detox every part of your life," she says. "Don't forget the environment. You need an air purifier to clean the air. You need water purifiers to clean the water. Get rid of your toxic chemicals under the sink. You've really got to do a lifestyle detox."
Detoxing Your Mind and Eliminating Toxic Relationships
While psychotherapy can be valuable for some, many thoughts and beliefs are "embedded" in our very cells. Many are rooted in childhood traumas we cannot even consciously recall. So how do you get rid of those? Like me, Brandt favors energy psychology methods such as the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and eye movement desensitization reprogramming (EMDR).
The former releases these stored emotions by tapping into the acupuncture meridians in your body, whereas the latter balances the left and right brain and gets rid of the dysfunction. Meditation, visualization and positive affirmations can also be very helpful.
"I have positive affirmations everywhere, in my car, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, everywhere," Brandt says. "It works. The body will listen. The mind will listen if you tell it enough times …
Another big thing about lifestyle changes — and this is one of the most difficult things to do for everybody, every patient — you have to minimize toxic relationships, negative relationships. Your life should be as positive as possible. Otherwise, you're just not going to be happy here. What kind of life would you live if you're not happy living?
I advocate looking at everything in your life, making sure it's as positive as possible … All the negatives actually stimulate the part of the brain that creates the stress hormones, so they feed the cancer … I literally remade my life. How many chances do you have in your lifetime to remake yourself? This is not only permission; this is encouragement to remake your life. It's really empowering, very joyful."
Basic Strategies That Boost Your Immune Function
Another important component is boosting your immune function, as your immune system is the first line of defense against all disease, including cancer. A well-functioning immune system can typically fight off any malignant cells, preventing them from multiplying in the first place. Brandt had in fact been diagnosed with a dysfunctional immune syndrome in 1992, a decade before her "terminal" cancer diagnosis.
"These days, we have oncoimmunologists who can actually look at your immune system and tell you if it's out of balance, which way it's out of balance, and what to do. But there are some general things that you can start out with to boost and regulate it. Acupuncture helps, laughter, endorphins.
Endorphins can even be [produced by] knitting. I didn't know that. You can knit and make endorphins … Laughter is really hard when you've got cancer and when it's a death diagnosis … But you have to keep going. You have to find laughter because this is one way you can fix the imbalances …"
Other strategies that can help boost immune function include but are not limited to:
1.Sun exposure. Sunlight is a natural immune booster. Not only does your body produce vitamin D in response to sun exposure on bare skin, but sunlight also produces a number of other health benefits that are unrelated to vitamin D production. If you don't have access to sun exposure in the winter, you can swallow oral vitamin D3. Although it's not nearly as good, it will still support your immune function.
2.Improve your gut microbiome, which goes back to paying attention to your diet. My book, "Fat for Fuel," goes into this in great detail. I've also written numerous articles on this topic. Your microbiome has enormous influence over the quality of your immune function.
3.Medical cannabis can also be used to stimulate and improve your immune function. Brandt recently found a group called United Patients Group, the mission of which is to investigate and verify the value and potential uses of medical marijuana, and to educate people about its medicinal uses.
"What my understanding is, so far, is that the medical cannabis in the right proportion [of THC and CBD] can regulate — not just boost, but regulate — the immune system. And each type of cancer has a specific proportion of THC and CBD that is effective for that cancer. Again, going back to diet, I almost consider medical cannabis part of a diet because it does nourish and detox," Brandt says.
5.Proper amount of quality sleep, getting at least seven to nine hours of sleep each night if you're an adult.
Addressing Metastasized Cancer Cells
Typically, if you have metastasized cancer, targeted cancer cells are floating around in your bloodstream, necessitating multiple strategies to get rid of the cancer. This is one of the reasons why most conventional cancer therapies are not that useful in this scenario, as they do not address these circulating cancer stem cells. You can get rid of the primary tumor, but cancer cells are still present in the body. As noted by Brandt:
"People don't get that conventional medicine doesn't have any way to stop metastasis or to treat metastatic stem cells. It's these metastatic stem cells that kill … The stem cells are what conventional medicine cannot address, that I know of. But alternative medicine can."
Products that are helpful against metastatic stem cells include:
Berberine / metformin | Intravenous vitamin C | Sulforaphane (cruciferous vegetables) | Curcumin (turmeric) |
Glucoraphanin | Myrosinase | Essiac tea | |
Burdock root | Slippery elm | Rhubarb | Sheep sorrel |
Fermented soy | Fish oil | Modified citrus pectin (PectaSol-C) | Heparin |
Berberine and metformin have a similar mechanism of action. I prefer berberine because it's a natural product. That said, metformin, as a drug, is probably one of the safer ones. Millions of people have been on it with relatively few side effects. It's actually used for type 2 diabetes as an oral hypoglycemic.
I take berberine every day as a dietary supplement, as it has so many health benefits. Since its mode of action is very similar to metformin, I would encourage anyone taking metformin for type 2 diabetes or for longevity benefits (a lot of people take it for that) to switch to berberine. I also like pau d'arco.
It has a substrate called beta-lapachone, which is a powerful way to increase NAD+ intercellularly. This is an important component of improving mitochondrial ATP production, which is needed for health in general, but especially if you're fighting disease.
Insulin Potentiation Therapy and Other Targeted Therapies
Insulin potentiation therapy (IPT) acts like a Trojan Horse in that it can achieve targeted delivery of low doses of chemo or other medicines to the diseased cell only.
"It's an elegant delivery mechanism. That's probably my favorite because it worked so well on me," Brandt says. "I just watched the tumors shrink and disappear. There's also high-dose vitamin C. The latest study we just got approval for is high-dose C with artesunate. Artesunate is an intravenous (IV) derivative of artemisinin (wormwood) … a Chinese herb that has been shown to kill cancer with very little side effects."
Brandt's book also includes a comprehensive description of systemic enzyme therapy, where enzymes are taken on an empty stomach — not to help with food digestion but to provide systemic benefits through your bloodstream. I personally rotate four different systemic enzymes on an empty stomach. She also addresses the importance of rotating or cycling through the supplements you take.
"The doctor that I first went to taught me about switching things around. He said, 'Cancer builds immunities.' I thought, 'That's right. Cancer builds immunities to things like chemo and radiation.
I need to keep it on its toes and switch things around.' I had a chart for all my therapies … I could look at the calendar any day and see what I was doing … If you did Essiac tea for four weeks and you do red clover stillingia for two, then you do Essiac for five, red clover and stillingia for six. Just keep switching it around. No patterns."
Indeed, variety is a really important biological principle. I've even integrated it into my nutritional ketosis protocol. In fact, I now believe people should not be in nutritional ketosis long-term. You do have to integrate variety, so a day or two per week you might have a fair amount of carbohydrates, say 100 to even 150 grams of net carbs instead of the recommended 20 to 60 grams. A sampling of other targeted therapies covered in her book include:
- Poly-MVA, a colloidal mineral complex that crosses the blood-brain barrier and helps re-nourish your body and brain at the cellular level. It also helps replace nutrients lost during chemotherapeutic and radiological treatments.
- AvéULTRA (Metatrol), a fermented wheat germ product.
- Selenium, vitamin D and iodine, as most cancer patients are low in these three nutrients. Since I do regular sauna therapy, I take 200 micrograms of SelenoExcell each day. (You tend to excrete selenium when sweating.) Selenium increases glutathione, an important metabolic antioxidant necessary for detoxification. It also catalyzes the conversion of thyroid hormone T3 to T4, so it can be beneficial if you have thyroid problems.
- Modified citrus pectin (MCP) has been shown to reverse cancer and stop metastatic cancer. Brandt recommends the brand ecoNugenics, as this is the one that has been scientifically studied and verified to work.
- Colloidal silver is a non-toxic, broad spectrum antimicrobial therapy with no known toxicity and no known mechanism for acquired resistance.
- Salicinium, a plant-based extract that inhibits production of nagalase — an enzyme produced by cancer cells — while simultaneously stimulating innate immune cells.
Best Answer for Cancer Summit
Whether you're a cancer patient or a doctor, you're welcome to join the Best Answer for Cancer Summit in San Diego, California. There are actually two separate conferences: The Integrative Oncology Conference, which is a three-day-long physician-only event (April 27-29) and the Answers for Cancer Summit, which is a two-day event open to the public (April 28-29).
"If you're a physician watching this and you want to learn more about this area, this is a very important conference to go to. It's also a conference for patients, if you're a cancer survivor or you're new to the diagnosis of cancer or chronic disease, or you just want to know more," Brandt says.
Best Answer for Cancer Foundation is also in the process of creating a free online support group for cancer patients called The Chrysalis Group to identify with Rebirth: The Blossoming of the Butterfly. To join, write Brandt at:, as the site is currently under construction.
"We will have a virtual bulletin board and a chatroom. We'll have a library with all the medical references, different therapies, different books they can read from different authors. I'm very serious about supporting patients because there were very few survivors in 2001 when I got diagnosed that I could find to talk to."
Build Your Own Cure
Last but not least, pick up a copy of "The Healing Platform: Build Your Own Cure!" Taking a route other than the conventional one can be a frightening proposition, but these days there's more help, support and resources available than ever before. That said, the fear of bucking the system, even when you're convinced the system is fatally flawed and isn't your best option, can be significant.
"I tell patients what I experienced. I say my family and friends were frantic, wanting me to do what everybody else does, the surgery, chemo, radiation. I said, 'You know what? If I do what you want me to do and I die, I'll be pissed. I might come back and haunt you. But if I do what I want to do and I die, well then that was my choice. I'm asking you to support my choice,'" Brandt says.
Her book can go a long way toward directing you to a wide variety of strategies you can use to create your own healing platform. As Brandt says:
"There is the opportunity for each of us to cure ourselves, I believe. I think we're all individuals and therefore our answer for cancer should be tailored to us. I should have a unique answer. I'm a snowflake, totally different from the next person. Why should I do what everybody else is doing?
The book actually talks about how I got sick. You should see parallels in your life if you are sick. It helps you examine your entire life. Then it goes into the platform. Every chapter is a different healing modality, like spirituality, mind-body medicine, immunologic nutrition, detox, lifestyle changes and then targeted cancer therapies. Each one of those chapters is color coded so you can easily go to that chapter to look up a reference.
In addition, for each modality, for example, when you go into a detox, there's a workbook on that modality. So it's a workbook all the way through. It's an interactive guide. You are actually challenged at the end of each chapter to write down your thoughts, your experiences, to help you determine what your "dis-eases" are.
The book is really easy to follow. I get calls all the time from patients just saying 'Thank you. You gave me hope.' 'Thank you. There's such good information here. I was frustrated at first because I wanted you to tell me what to do, but telling me that I'm an individual said that I needed to go and do my homework.'
I encourage you to get it, whether you have cancer or not. Buy it, read it, pass it on. Chronic disease, I think, is a precursor to cancer and cancer is a chronic disease. You don't have to have cancer to be in danger of getting cancer."
Coconut Oil, also known as coconut butter, is a tropical oil with many applications. It is extracted from copra (dried coconut). Coconut oil constitutes 7% percent of the total export income of the Philippines, the world's largest exporter of the product.
Coconut oil was developed as a commercial product by merchants in the South Seas and South Asia in the 1860's.
Coconut oil has a neutral effect on blood cholesterol, even in situation where coconut oil is the sole source of fat (George Blackburn M.D., Harvard Medical School).
There are two types of saturated fats. These are the MFCA (Medium Chain Fatty Acids) and LCFA (Long Chain Fatty Acids). The difference between the two types is that MCFA does not raise cholesterol while LCFA raises cholesterol. Coconut oil is composed mostly of MCFA, so it doesn't raise blood cholesterol nor does it increase the risk of heart disease. It is unlike animal fats, which are composed of LCFA and thus has the potential to raise cholesterol levels.
In a related study, using fresh or raw coconut oil, results showed that raw coconut oil is neutral and does not cause an increase in the level of cholesterol. Results also revealed that coconut oil increased the level of HDL (known as good cholesterol) and decreased the level of LDL (known as bad cholesterol) in humans.
Coconut oil is composed mostly of MCFA and it easily digested by the body and processed as energy rather than being stored by the body as fat. Other oils such as animal based fats or polyunsaturated oils such as Soya oil, corn and canola oil, contains LCFA, which promotes cholesterol and is stored easily as body fat.
Coconut oil is rich in Medium Chain Triglycerides which is known to have many health benefits, notably its anti-aging effects, potential anti-cancer effects and anti-microbial/anti-viral properties. Since coconut oil is rich in MCT, it promotes good health and quick healing.
Coconut oil is excellent as cooking oil. It withstand high temperatures and it does not breakdown easily compared to other oils. Unlike the polyunsaturated oils that easily combine with oxygen in air to become rancid, coconut oil has a natural resistance to oxidation.
1996 - $ 1.00
2001 - $ 10.00
2007 - $ 100.00
2014 - $ 1,000.00
2020 - $ 100,000.00